Cultivate good deeds. Refrain from evil ones. Keep the mind clean.This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada Sutra.

Beautiful in the Beginning, Beautiful in the Middle, Beautiful in the End - Buddha
Brief History
Welcome! Thank you for visiting Kim Quang Buddhist Temple online. We hope that our website highlights some news, pictures and services available. Please feel free to read more about our temple on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you the beauty of Buddhism and its way of life.
We provide a place for the all Buddhist fellows to practice and maintain the Vietnamese Buddhist tradition, values and heritage.
As Buddhist practitioners, we are committed:
1. Practice loving-kindness, non-violence, and mindfulness as the foundation for our spiritual life.
2. Maintain and promote the Vietnamese traditional culture, values and heritage in harmony with the American culture.
3. Promote and encourage the maintaining of the five precepts: Not to kill, not to steal, not to engage in sexual misconduct, not to partake in substance abuse, in order to build happiness and peace for the individuals, the family, and society
Kim Quang Temple is the oldest Vietnamese Buddhist Temple in Sacramento. The Temple was created in 1978 when the Vietnamese Buddhist Community in Sacramento purchased a small house built in the 1950s on an acre lot on Alta Arden Expressway and temporarily converted it into a place of worship. Kim Quang Temple then operated under the spiritual guidance and leadership of the most venerable Thích Tịnh Từ and the late most venerable Thích Thiên Ân. In 1981, the late most venerable Thích Thiện Trì immigrated to the United States and took over the spiritual leadership responsibility for the Temple. Under the late most venerable Thích Thiện Trì’s guidance, a 15 feet cement Quan-Yin statue and a Tam Quan gate was constructed along with general upgrades of the Temple. In 2001, venerable Thích Thiện Duyên was asked to help assume the spiritual leadership of the Temple for the then ailing most venerable Thích Thiện Trì. On December 27, 2003, a stone laying ceremony was conducted to officically “kick-off” the construction planning effort. After seven years of design and construction, Kim Quang Buddhist Temple finally finished on July 4th, 2009. Currently, we 're continue reaching out and gather community support and contributing to build a harmonious and spiritual life and community for a greater good.
Kim Quang Buddhist Youth Association (GĐPT KQ), a non-profit organization, was established in Autumn of 1978.
In order to maintain the Vietnamese and Buddhist values, GDPT Kim Quang offers Dharma and Vietnamese classes to all the Buddhist youths aged 6-18 on every Saturday morning from 9-3PM. Here, the young Buddhists have a chance to practice moral/ethical lessons, listen to the Dharma talk, learn Vietnamese, enjoy their enrichment skills and live in harmony in according to the Buddha's teaching. It is a time to learn, relax and bond with each other in their spiritual family.

Services are held in the main Buddha Hall
Sunday Morning services are at 11:00 AM to 12:00PM; followed by lunch.
Weekly Friday Meditation/Dharma class for English speakers.
from 7:00PM -9:00PM.
Sitting/Walking meditation
Chanting in English.
Dharma discussion
Gift/Bookstore: Open every Sunday from 11AM-1:00PM.
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.
Yearly Services
New Year Service
Wedding ceremony
Sunday Services
Vesak Buddha Day (Le Phat Dan)
Ullambana Day (Le Vu Lan)
Parents' Day
Praying for Deceased Love Ones
Memorial Services
The Most Venerable Thich Thien Tri Day
GDPT annual anniversary
(Le Chu Nien)
Yearly Retreat for members
Annual Retreat for GDPT in Northern California

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Latest News
Check out pictures of our recent New Year Festival
Weekly Friday class is from 7-9PM
Relief Fund
Please show your support and donate to our charity fund.
Monthly Reflection

This week our abbot talked about the overloading of information. In a time when anything and everything is just a click away how do we take a step back and focus on the basic principles of Buddhism?
While exploring the question of “What would Buddha do?” in today’s media crazed world, the monk also reflects on the changing state of family and community over the past few decades.
If you didn’t manage to make one of the services this week, you can listen...
You can also check out our YouTube channel for videos