Cultivate good deeds. Refrain from evil ones. Keep the mind clean.This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada Sutra.
GDPT Kim Quang
Serving Buddhist Youth since 1978.

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Kim Quang Buddhist Youth Association (GĐPT KQ), a non-profit organization, was established in Autumn of 1978. GĐPT Kim Quang was guided and nurtured by our late most Vernerable Thích Thiện Trì. The current Abbott is Thích Thiện Duyên. For 35 years, GĐPT Kim Quang has been providing services for thousands of youths in Northern California. Many of them are now very successful in government agencies, businesses, health profession and other careers. GĐPT Kim Quang is continuously guiding youths to become responsible citizens and help them contribute to society in accordance to the teaching of Buddha. Additionally, we also nurture the beautiful Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese language to our youth.
“Guiding youth to become productive citizens through the teachings of Buddha.”
Thời gian - Schedule:
Từ 9:00AM – 3:00PM mỗi thứ Bảy - Every Saturday.
9:00AM Lễ Phật - Morning prayer
9:30AM Báo cáo Đoàn/Đội và Câu chuyện dưới cờ - Attendance and Flag salute
10:00 AM Lớp Việt ngữ - Vietnamese class
11:00 AM Lớp Phật Pháp - Dharma class
12:00 AM Ăn trưa - Lunch
12:45 PM Sinh hoạt đoàn - Group meeting/activities
1:30 PM Chương Trình Trau Dồi
Năng Khiếu - Enrichment Program
2:30 PM Sinh hoạt vòng tròn - Fun scout games
3:00 PM Giây thân ái, ra về. - Farewell
Liên lạc - Contact Info:
Điện thư: gdptkimquang@gmail.com
Trang nhà: www.kimquang.org/gdpt
Bác Gia trưởng: NGUYÊN CHIẾU - Nguyễn Thanh Minh Điện Thoại: 916.525.0681
Phụ Tá Bác GT: NGUYÊN NHƠN - Ngô Thị Thu Điện Thoại: 916.642.5482 - Điện Thư: thuty_ng@sbcglobal.net
Liên Đoàn Trưởng: NHẬT QUANG KHÁNH – Lê Minh Khánh Điện Thoại: 916.803.8781 - Điện Thư: khanhmle@gmail.com